Kathakali Theatre from India and Talk by Jytte Abildstrøm
Jytte Abildstrøm: Kathakali
A Puppet Theatre Journey to Fort Cochin in South India
Jytte Abildstrøm will tell about her travels and encounters with puppeteers in Fort Cochin in the Kerala area.
She will give a short introduction to each of her films, after which the films will be shown with a 10 minute pause between them.
Kathakali is a centuries old temple theatre form, built on Hindu myths of Good against Evil.
The films show us the history of this special form of puppetry, as well as interviews with puppeteers and teachers.
Hindu myths are performed with a combination of puppetry and acting, a form of theatre which thrives as a special cultural heritage in the area of Kerala.

After the films there will be a question and answer period with Jytte Abildstrøm.
Venue: Bio Silkeborg, Papirfabrikken
Sunday 11. November kl. 14-15.40
Length 105 min (including questions)
Alder: Adults
Sprog: Dansk og engelsk
Tickets: Entrence free. Free tickets at the Festival Information