Svalegangens Dukketeater
The Little Mermaid

In this version of The Little Mermaid, true to the original story by H. C. Andersen, English artist Dodie Masterman has created poetic scenes and characters of the little mermaid who wishes to be just like a human and win an immortal soul.
The press wrote:
"The story is shown at its best.. Music and changing lighting support this very moving illustrated tale...The various painted sets are aesthetically harmonious and beautiful." (Kirsten Dahl, Århus Stiftstidende).
"It is amazing how moving one can be, in front of a little stage, made only of paper and cardboard, but the story about the girl who gives up so much to experience love, and then only for a short time, is universal. The Little Mermaid is a lovely show at Svalegangens Puppet Theatre". (John Christiansen, Jyllandsposten)
Author: H.C. Andersen dramatized byPer Brink Abrahamsen
Direction: Per Brink Abrahamsen
Set design: Dodie Masterman
Puppeteer: Per Brink Abrahamsen
Venue: Lunden, hall A
Friday 9 Nov. 17:00 (5:00 pm) and Saturday 10 Nov.17:00 (5:00 pm)
Age: From 6 years
Length: 40 min.
Ticket: 30 kr.
Language: Danish