Teater Refleksion
Madsen and the box

Madsen is alone.
It is really nice to be alone.
Everything is clean and tidy.
But, one day a box appears.
Madsen is not alone anymore…
A puppet performance in mime about a man who knew what the world looked like – until the day when it looked completely different.
The press wrote:
Moving symbol of the phases and wonder of life.
Århus Stiftstidende
Children shout with joy over the magic of the moment
Puppeteers: Bjarne Sandborg, Stine Lundgaard and Louise Danckert
Director: Espen Dekko
Director assistent: Kai Bückner
Puppet builder: Mariann Aagaard
Music: Max Bering
Technician: Morten Meilvang Laursen
Lighting designer: Jesper Hasseltoft
Venue: Vestergadehallen, scene 2
Saturday 10 Nov. 14:00 (2:00 pm) and Sunday 11 Nov.13:00 (1:00 pm)
Age: 5 – 10 years and adults
Length: 40 min.
Tickets: 30 kr. (4 Euro)
Language: no dialogue