Theatre TOW, The Czech Republic
The Night Mosquito
Danish Premiere

This performance is a modern experimental version of shadow puppetry, a dance with laser light to the accompaniment of electronic music, where the object is the night mosquito, a ball of light fromed by the endless combinations of laser beams crossing each other all around the stage.
We perceive the dancer as a growing shadow, dominated by the irritating night mosquito. What happens between the two? The electronic music makes us think of nightmares, and the title of the performance is a play on words, as the Czech definition of the word mura can be insect, woman or nightmare.
An electronic – or is it a real – nightmare in a chillingly beautiful performance? A unique experience.
This performance won the Czech Sazka Prize in 2004, as the Dance Discovery of the Year.
The current and founding members of the ensemble TOW are the dancer and choreographer Petra Hauerová, rapper Vladimír 518, cameraman Jirí Málek, musician David Vrbík.
Choreography: Petra Hauerova
Performer: Petra Hauerova/ Petra Brabcová
Lighting design: Jiri Malek
Music and video animation: David Vrbik
Set design: Vladimir 518, Jiri Málek
Laser projektion: Vladimir 518, David Vrbik
Costumes: Vladimir 518, Petra Hauerova, Chatty M. Cimala
Venue: Jysk Musik & Teaterhus, large hall
Thursday 8 Nov. 21:00 and Friday 9 Nov. 20:00
Age: From 13 years and adults
Language: No dialogue
Length: 40 min.
Ticket: 60 kr. (8 Euro)