Madam Bach

Dryp! Dryp! Dryp! Dryb drybbedryb, dryp! Drip, drip, drip! Drip, drippedrip, drip!! Splash, slosh, pour, stream, rumble, bumble, tumble.
It is raining on stage, in front of, above and around the children.
From the quiet to the first puff of wind, to the dripping and splashing, ending in a real thunderstorm, which slowly looses power again.
The sun comes out and the cycle is complete, the air is fresh and the earth like new.
An innovative Danish show, where water is the object, used and re-used in new and different ways, with imaginative musical participation of Claus Carlsen.
The smallest audience and their adults will love this performance.
The press wrote:
"A fine and unusual performance for the youngest. A performance which shows us complexity in simplicity. Intimate and creative".
Børneteateravisen/Children’s Theatre News
Performers: Puppeteer Gertrud Exner and musician Claus Carlsen
Direction: Cathrine Sombsthay
Venue: Lunden, sal 3
Saturday 10 Nov., 15:00 (3:00 pm) and Sunday 11 Nov. 10:00
Age: 2 - 3 years
Length: 30 min.
Ticket: 30 kr. (4 Euro)
Language: No dialogue