Det lille Turnéteater
Romeo and Juliette

Does love conquer all? Shakespeare’s moving classic of love, staged for puppets which speak directly to the heart of the viewer.
Puppets add a seductive charm to the performance, an intimacy which crosses the line between stage and audience. A performance to which one immediately surrenders.
The press wrote:
'...a tremendous and colorful puppet theatre experience, where modern slang and siren sounds place the tragedy in a young universe, there where gangs fight, where knifings and revenge have once again appeared in parts of our society. Fantastically beautiful and dramatic projections make this performance a great visual experience. It is also quite moving when the puppets end their lives.'
Author: Shakespeare
Idea: Peter Holst & Pernille Plantener
Manuscript: Peter Holst
Direction: Hanna Liv Møller
Set design: Niels Secher
Puppets: Carl Press
Lighting design & animation: Pernille Plantener
Music: Peter Holst
Performers: Henriette Rosenbeck and Peter Holst
Teknician: Pernille Plantener Holst
Venue: Vestergadehallen, scene 3
Saturday 10 Nov. 16:00 (4:00 pm)
Age: From 9 years
Length: 60 min.
Ticket: 30 kr. (4 Euro)
Language: Danish