Teatro Hugo & Ines, Peru
Short Stories

When we saw 'Short Stories' with Hugo Soarez and Ines Pasic in New York, the show received a standing ovation. It is with great pleasure that we can present 'Short Stories' with both performers at this year's Festival of Wonder.
The distinctive feature of this theatre is the way it makes simplicity sublime, using subtle humor and the human body.
Combining puppets and mime theatre, helped by a rubber nose and a shirt, the actor’s foot, knee, heel, elbow or other body part is transformed into a unique personality, existing on the stage for only a short time. A charming way of illustrating the wonderful poetic moments of daily life.
Performers: Hugo Soarez and Ines Pasic
Direction and idea: Hugo Soarez and Ines Pasic
Venue: Performers House, kedelbygningen
Saturday 10 Nov. 19:00
Age: From 7 years and adults
Language: Non verbal
Length: 60 min.
Tickets: 30 kr. (4 Euro)