Stuffed Puppettheatre, Holland
Danish premiere

Who could forget Neville Tranter’s previous performances, for example’ Schickelgruber alias Adolf Hitler’? ‘Vampyr’ is the latest work by this puppet master.
When a father becomes stranded with his sick daughter at a camping, their hope of finding help turns into a nightmare, as the invisible inhabitants of the camping take over: an old vampire, whose eye has fallen on the sick girl, and his teenage vampire son with his guardian angel.
The greedy and malicious owner of the camping and his old guilt-ridden helper only make the situation worse.
Vampyr is a fairytale, spiced with horror and comedy.
At first glance it tells about fathers, their sons and a daughter. Or do they stand for all human relationships and for all things that, one day, must come to an end? And yet there are new beginnings.
And one day it will feel just as real or unreal as a fairy tale.
This performance has ties to Nordic mythology.
Concept, puppets and performer: Neville Tranter
Text: Jan Veldman
Direction: Allan Zipson
Sound design: Ferdinand Bakker, Kim Haworth
Lighting design: Desirée Van Geldern
Costumes: Atty Kingma
Techinian: Floris Maathuis, Saskia De Vries
Graphic design: Ron Jagers
Language: English
Venue: Jysk Musik & Teaterhus, large hall
Saturday 10 Nov. 20:30 (8:30 pm)
Age: Adult
Length: 70 min.
Ticket: 60 kr. (8 Euro)