Workshop by Neville Tranter,
Stuffed Puppet Theatre, Holland:
The Power of the Puppet
In recent years European puppet theatre has been revolutionised by Neville Tranter’s productions, in which he focuses on the ultimate consequences in the dramatic dialogue between puppet and the manipulator and between the puppet and the actor. His plays create a strong impression with the audience and are also unique because of his interpretation and his vocal technique.
At the last Festival of Wonder Neville Tranter led a very successful workshop. We are pleased to announce that Neville Tranter will again give a two-day workshop in Silkeborg.
Participants in the workshop will work on ‘bringing the puppet to life’, manipulation, creating and performing a short scene which could include text and elementary musical instruments.
Each participant will bring a simple musical instrument, for example a flute or a percussion instrument, a monologue from a play, a poem and a song.
The participants will have the possibility of interaction with the puppet and with the other participants.
About Stuffed Puppettheatre:
Many of you will remember the fantastic performances with Stuffed Puppettheatre, such as Salome, Moliere and especially Schickelgruber Alias Adolf Hitler, all of which have played at Festival of Wonder.
Stuffed Puppettheatre has the Danish premiere of Vampyr, the newest show by Stuffed Puppettheatre at Festival of Wonder 2007 on Saturday November 10th.
Sign up by email to . ’First come - first serve’.
- Price: 175 Euro. This includes lunch and coffee both Thursday and Friday.
- Sign up to the workshop by email to
- Participants: We are directing this workshop to puppeteers, actors, drama students and others with scenic experience. Max. 15 participants.
Venue: KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad
Thursday 8 Nov., 10:00 – 17:00 and Friday 9 Nov. 10: - 17:00
For whom: Professionals
Price: 1,300 kr. / 175 Euro
Language: English