Festival of Wonder Through the Photographer’s Eyes: Festival of Wonder, 2016
Moments of Wonder
Festival of Wonder has published the book “Moments of Wonder”.
Moments of Wonder is a beautiful art book with photographs of the world’s best puppet theatres, all of which have performed at Festival of Wonder.
Photographer Peter Birk has captured fleeting moments of these theatre forms of puppetry, object and visual theatre, so clearly that one can feel the movement in the pictures.
From more than 4,000 pictures, an editing panel consisting of photographer Peter Birk, librarian Per Hofman Hansen, Silkeborg Library’s Publisher, and the festival artistic director Ulla Dengsøe have chosen the best of the best.
Besides the photographs, the book includes essays by two of the most interesting names in the field, Neville Tranter, Stuffed Puppettheatre, Holland, and Matej Forman of Forman Brothers Theatre of Prague.
The book is of high quality and 30×30 cm. format, with whole page, and some double page, photographs.
The book will be sold at the Information desk during the festival. The price is 195 kr. (25 Euro) plus postage (8 euro in Denmark). If you wish to order the book, please send an email to festivalofwonder@silkeborgbib.dk . We
will then inform you of method of payment.
Festival of Wonder – Through the Photographer’s Eyes
Festival of Wonder has published the book ‘Festival of Wonder – through the Photographer’s Eyes”.
The book contains photos from several years’ festivals, with the main focus on Festival of Wonder 2015.
It is a tribute to the festival’s permanent photographer Peter Birk, who has caught many magical moments through the years.
There is also a preface by Peter Birk and Ulla Dengsøe.
The book will be sold at Information during the festival. It costs 125 kr. To send it within Denmark’s borders, the postage is 40 kr.
The book can also be purchased through Festival of Wonder. Send an email to festivalofwonder@silkeborgbib.dk. We will then send information concerning payment and will send the book to you.