De Røde Heste

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

Theatre The Red Horses turns everything upside down.
Finally we have the undistorted version of how the three little pigs (those swine) tried to fool the kind, friendly wolf, and how the unfortunate end of the two pigs and the sneaky sly character of the third pig has left the wolf with a bad reputation.
An excellent puppetry performance that moves us and makes us laugh, both children and adults. Do we really end up being on the side of the wolf?

We really laughed! Storytelling and comedy of a very high standard. Claus Mandøe mixes the fairy tales of Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs, who were actually self- 0bsessed swine with rock star, egocentric attitudes, who will not lend the poor allergic wolf one cup of sugar for a cake….
Lene Norup,

Performers: Claus Mandøe
Director: Kai Büchner
Scenographer: Sille Heltoft
Music and sound: Søren Søndberg


Age: From 5 years and their adults
Language: Danish
Price: 40 kr.
Duration: 45 minutes


College360 (Handelsskolen)
Saturday 9/11 at 12:00

Buy tickets (possible from 9th September at 10.00)

Festival of Wonder 2019