Papirteatret Meklenborg

The Little Mermaid

For this sincere version of Hans Christian Andersen’s story of the little mermaid who desired to be like humans and win a mortal soul, the English artist Dodie Masterman has created a series of poetic scenes and characters.

“The story comes into its own”. The mood of the music and lighting richly support the illustrated tale. The changing picturesque sets add a harmoniously beautiful aesthetic.
Kirsten Dahl in Århus Stiftstidende.

“…It is strange, how moved one can be in front of so tiny a stage, one which is only cardboard and paper, but this performance about the girl who offers so much for love for so short a time is well done and universal.”
John Christiansen in Jyllandsposten

Puppeteer: Per BrinkAbrahamsen
Staging: Per Brink Abrahamsen
Scenography: Dodie Masterman


Age: From 7 years and adults
Language: Danish
Price: 40 kr.
Duration: 40 minutes


Museum Silkeborg
Sunday 10/11 at 14:30

Buy tickets (possible from 9th September at 10.00)

Festival of Wonder 2019